Creating a best-seller


Spotlight on this remarkable editorial and businessstrategy to which Jules Verne’s body of work partly owes its success.


To discover from 28 June to 3 November 2024

Jules Verne’s Extraordinary Voyages are synonymous with Éditions Hetzel’s hardcover bindings and engraved illustrations. Prestigious works of high artistic value and the last word in composite publication, put on sale during end-of-year festivities and advertised by emblematic Gift Book posters.

Hetzel’s first meeting with Jules Verne in 1862 is decisive. Hetzel completes his educational work and becomes a major name in the publishing world. Jules Verne’s dream of becoming a writer comes true.

The unique relationship the two men cultivate is expressed by reciprocal signs of admiration and incomprehension at one and the same time. Such is the background story of the Extraordinary Voyages series, now a legendary body of work.

Through a selection of manuscripts, first editions, prints, posters, preparatory drawings... discover how Hetzel create a best-seller!

To help international visitors get the most out of their visit to the exhibition, the contents are translated into English, Spanish, Italian and German.